2018-12-08 16:40:56 UTC
I run a service organization that contracts with others on per item basis.
Therefore the amount I invoice is much greater than the amount we retain.
How do I reclassify the amount invoiced so that the various expenses related
to the transaction are booked but not shown on the invoice?
E.G., a service fee is $3.65 for 61 units or $225.65. Of this 1.75% may go
to PayPal, $192.15 will go to our insurance company, 13.73 will go to a
revenue-sharing partner leaving $15.82.
Before I started keeping track of sales by invoice I would just splt the
transaction. Bow that I'm using the A/R part of the system, can I do the
same thing but have the customer only see the amount due and not the
underlying splits?
Many thanks for any guidance you can provide.
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Therefore the amount I invoice is much greater than the amount we retain.
How do I reclassify the amount invoiced so that the various expenses related
to the transaction are booked but not shown on the invoice?
E.G., a service fee is $3.65 for 61 units or $225.65. Of this 1.75% may go
to PayPal, $192.15 will go to our insurance company, 13.73 will go to a
revenue-sharing partner leaving $15.82.
Before I started keeping track of sales by invoice I would just splt the
transaction. Bow that I'm using the A/R part of the system, can I do the
same thing but have the customer only see the amount due and not the
underlying splits?
Many thanks for any guidance you can provide.
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